Coaching, Training, and Networking for Lawyers Building a Firm.Our Motto: ``Work Together While Practicing Independently.``

Start a Law Firm.

Coaching From A to Z.

Invest in your future! Develop pride in yourself! Create a hybrid virtual law firm – powered by LexLawLawyers LLC.

Together, and comprise the most effective tool in the marketplace today assisting lawyers starting a law firm. The websites offer the most comprehensive online training experience in the marketplace. Develop substantive and marketable skills. Earn professional certificates. Enjoy the tools that project professionalism like a website and professional email address. Create your own personalized web page. Study the fundamentals of starting a law firm, including law firm formation and mechanics.

Learn how to generate clients with marketing campaigns. Use LexLawLawyers’ blog to build a client base and generate referrals. Discover the secrets of becoming a rainmaker and closing the deal at the initial client consultation. Utilized client communication software to track client interactions.

Collaborate with Other Lawyers.

You’re not alone. View other lawyers in the LexLawLawyers network as unofficial “partners” in your professional development. Our motto is “work together while practicing independently.” Collaboration is the key to success for lawyers starting a practice. Avoid re-inventing the wheel on issues. Learn from a network of peers who have already gone through the experience. Talk about marketing strategies, firm mechanics, substantive legal issues, and more. A discussion board is a perfect place to ask questions to fellow attorneys. Work together while practicing independently. Save money and learn from each other.

  • Collaboration.  Collaborate with other lawyers and brainstorm ideas, find solutions, and connect with peers across the nation.
  • Discussion Board Forum.  Don’t re-invent the wheel. Pose a question and wait for suggestions to come flowing in. But it’s a two-way street. Provide suggestions as much as you ask questions.
  • Private Discussions. The discussion forum is for the use of LexLawLawyers members only.  Only members can pose questions and only members can suggest answers.  All questions and answers are located behind a paywall.
  • Novel Issue of Law.  Sometimes a novel legal issue arises that stumps the average lawyer. Reach out to the discussion forum and inquire whether other members have had the same issue.  Learn how other members resolved the novel issue.  Save time on legal research and increase profitability.
  • Client Development.  Share marketing ideas with fellow members across the nation. Did you get a great result from a particular marketing campaign?  If so, share your success with fellow members.  Looking for a new marketing campaign? Learn from other members what worked for them and consider adopting the same marketing campaign to your practice.


Take the Entrepreneur Test

Answer the questions below to determine if you have what it takes to start a law firm. Lawyers who want to start their own firm should answer affirmatively to most of the questions below or should partner with another lawyer who answers affirmatively to most questions.

Invest in your future! Use this incubator to start building your own law firm. You worked hard in college and again in law school. Now it is time to reap the rewards of your intensive legal training. Earn the profits you deserve!  Develop pride in yourself and earn respect from your peers. If you possess a heartfelt desire to build a respected legal career, along with the vision and drive to succeed, then take the entrepreneur test to see if you have what it takes.

Some lawyers have the courage to open a solo-practice law firm. Other lawyers start a law firm with one or two other lawyers they know and trust. There is strength in numbers. It is appealing to young lawyers in particular to have a law school classmate or fellow associate nearby for support. Others establish an “affiliation” with an existing firm. Sometimes a lawyer needs another lawyer to brainstorm and bounce ideas around. Either way, a lawyer who starts a law firm must wear two hats: a lawyer hat and a business hat. This website trains you for both!

1 / 31

Do you have any certificate or credential that demonstrates to prospective employers that you can “hit the ground running” on Day-1 of practice?

2 / 31

Are you willing to invest in yourself to develop specific skills that are marketable to employers?

3 / 31

Did you work for a law firm as a “summer associate” during law school?

4 / 31

Are you self-motivated?

5 / 31

Are you willing to take a multi-day exam to earn a certificate that demonstrates you have marketable skills?

6 / 31

Do you have a specific legal skill that differentiates you from your other classmates?

7 / 31

Are you resilient to temporary setbacks?

8 / 31

Were you an editor on law review?

9 / 31

Do you want to build a legal practice to create wealth for yourself and not someone else?

10 / 31

Can you view a temporarily setback as an opportunity for improvement?

11 / 31

Are you flexible when a course correction is required?

12 / 31

Are you cognizant of your strengths and weaknesses?

13 / 31

Are you a self-starter?

14 / 31

Did you work for a legal clinic and prepared legal court pleadings?

15 / 31

Are you looking to build your future instead of looking for something to do until you can find another job?

16 / 31

Do you have the desire to continuously study a particular substantive area of law with the goal of becoming an expert?

17 / 31

Have you published a law journal article?

18 / 31

Are you competent to “hit the ground running” on your first day of practice should you get a job offer?

19 / 31

Are you able to convince strangers that you know what you are talking about?

20 / 31

Are you afraid to talk to clients on the phone or via Zoom?

21 / 31

Do you have a passion to help people solve their legal problems?

22 / 31

Are you an independent person?

23 / 31

Did you graduate in the top 20% of your class?

24 / 31

Are you an independent person?

25 / 31

Did you graduate from a top-50 law school?

26 / 31

Are you comfortable practicing law in a virtual environment?

27 / 31

Do you have a passion to do something great with your career?

28 / 31

Did you extern/intern for a federal judge during law school?

29 / 31

Do you know when it is time to seek guidance from a more experienced attorney?

30 / 31

Is your primary interest a steady paycheck and you don't want the responsibility of being your own boss?

31 / 31

Do you only want to start a law practice until you can find a government job?

Your score is

Share your score with friends. Invite fellow classmates to join LexLawLawyers' network.

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Benefits of Joining LexLawLawyers' Network.

LexLawLawyers is the perfect tool for newly-minted lawyers who are starting a law firm. Its online training is complete from A to Z. LexLawLawyers offers tools needed to succeed in practice and these tools are explained in the blue boxes below. Become an expert at all 10 stages of starting a practice:

  1. Develop substantive legal skills that clients need and for which they will pay you.
  2. Earn professional certificates so you can be immediately recognized as a qualified attorney.
  3. Project professionalism utilizing LexLawLawyers’ client-friendly website, professional email address, and personalized business cards.
  4. Project additional professionalism with your own personalized web page.
  5. Collaborate with other lawyers in the easy-to-use discussion board forum. Search the network for assistance and guidance instead of re-inventing the wheel.
  6. Utilize client communication software to track communications with prospects and clients.
  7. Learn how to generate clients with various legal marketing techniques and enjoy real-world marketing samples.
  8. Invest in LexLawLawyers’ blog to build a client base and generate referrals.
  9. Study how rainmakers close the deal during the initial consultation and generate profits.
  10. Select the appropriate law firm legal structure and learn the fundamentals of starting a firm.

Develop Substantive Legal Skills - Build a Skill Set that Clients Need and Earn Legal Fees.


Clients pay for legal solutions. LexLawLawyers can help you develop substantive legal skills so you can provide solutions and earn substantial legal fees. You don’t go to a doctor because he is smart. You go to a doctor because he offers solutions. Take the courses, view the videos, and attend the webinars. Build a skill set starting today!

  • 114 Courses. Learn substantive skills that are marketable to clients who pay you legal fees. These courses are designed as “how-to” instruction guides. Take the courses and be competent to practice. Learn to practice law on a day-to-day level. Open an office and be ready on day-1 to accept clients and profit from your law school education.
  • 103 Videos. Enjoy “how-to” videos that compliment online learning with line-by-line legal analysis of legal documents.
  • 35 Years. All courses are taught by an attorney with 35 years of legal experience.
  • Certificates. Earn the bankruptcy scholar certificate by passing the 250-question bankruptcy examination or earn the tax scholar certificate by passing the 650-question tax test. The 114 courses will prepare you for both exams.
  • Pace. Learn at your own pace. Speed through all courses or take the courses slowly over time.

Professional Certificates - Be Immediately Recognized as a Qualified Attorney.


Professional certificates allow you to be immediately recognized as a qualified attorney by prospective clients. Professional certificates are hard to earn, requiring diligence and intensive study. But the reward is fantastic. The intensive study builds legal skills that allow you to provide solutions to prospective clients’ problems. The professional certificates announce to the prospects that you have skill to help them — and certificate holders do!

  • Earn the NBA Scholar certificate from the National Bankruptcy Academy by passing the 250-question online examination.
  • Earn the OIC Scholar certificate from the National Offer in Compromise Academy by passing the 650-question online examination.
  • Be recognized by peers and prospective clients as a top qualified bankruptcy or tax-controversy attorney in the USA.
  • Enhance your credibility when involved in speaking engagements, publications, or client prospecting.


  • Proudly display your certificate logo on your:
  1. website;
  2. email signature line;
  3. letterhead;
  4. marketing materials;
  5. curriculum vitae.

Project Professionalism.


Professionalism is vital in the practice of law. Prospective clients will not engage you if they suspect you are anything less than professional. LexLawLawyers helps you project professionalism. You can send prospects to a client-friendly website for more information about your area of specialization. You can send prospective clients to your own personalized web page where you have nearly unlimited space to display your talents. LexLawLawyers gives you a personalized email address.  You also receive business cards displaying your name, phone, email address, and personalized webpage. That projects professionalism.

  • Client-Friendly Website. Send prospective clients to LexLawLawyers’ client-friendly website. The front of the website is designed to help prospective clients navigate towards the lawyer directory. The “Services” menu tab describes various legal services that members provide. You can suggest edits to the service page relating to your practice area. Or you can submit a whole new page for a practice area not yet included under the “Services” menu tab.
  • Personalized Web Page. Customize your personal web page by using the easy-to-navigate “Directory Submission Form” on Main menu > Lawyers Only > Lawyer Directory Submission Form. Show clients how qualified you are. You control the content of your own page. See the section below for further details. You can add the URL of your own personal page to your business card, email signature block, and all marketing materials. Your personal URL would be / directory / lastname-firstname.
  • Professional Email Address. It’s amateurish to use your personal Gmail or university email account for business. Receive a customized email address to project added professionalism. Your email address would be [lastname] Cement yourself as a professional by using a branded email address.
  • Business Cards. Receive customized business cards to distribute to family, friends, referral sources, networking contacts, prospective clients, and of course clients! Cards identify your name, phone number, URL of your personalized web page, and professional email address.
  • Email Signature Block. Use your email signature block as a marketing opportunity. Every email you send should be from your professional email address (see above). The block should provide the URL of your personalized web page, your email address, and your phone number. The email signature block appears on every email you send. Think of it as free marketing!

Personal Web Page - Tell Prospective Clients All About Yourself.


Your personalized webpage is the heart of your web-presence. Prospects will almost certainly study your webpage before engaging you and paying you. LexLawLawyers allows you to personalize your page with an easy-to-navigate submission form. Project professionalism and connect with your prospects. They see your picture, contact information, licenses, certificates, educational background, legal practice areas, geographical service areas, work experience, volunteer experiences, and more. You can create and upload a YouTube video about yourself. And, of course, you can describe your legal practice and explain how you provide solutions to clients.

  • Personalized Webpage. You create your own personalized webpage by using the easy-to-navigate “Directory Submission Form” on Main menu > Lawyers Only > Lawyer Directory Submission Form.
  • Lawyer’s Picture. Upload a picture of yourself to the directory so that prospective clients can better feel for who you are. Your personal photo increase your ability to connect with prospective clients and be remembered.
  • Authenticity. Authenticity is essential for client generation. Prospects want to connect with you as a person – a personal photo opens the door.
  • Contact Information. Provide prospective clients with your phone number, email address, website URL, and social media links.
  • General Section. List your licenses and certificates. Display your educational achievements, including undergraduate degrees and law degree.
  • Law Practice Description. Describe your practice in a narrative format. Add paragraph after paragraph reflecting your background, skill, and qualifications. Highlight successes and achievements. Discuss solutions you can provide to prospective clients so they are enticed to contact you and hire you.
  • Type of Practice. Identify your legal practice by practice area. E.g. bankruptcy law, tax law, real estate law, estate planning law, etc.
  • Service Areas. List the cities, towns, and counties from which you would accept clients.
  • Experience: Identify any prior work experience that could encourage prospective clients to hire you.
  • Video.  Create and upload a YouTube video for prospects to better understand how you can help solve their problems.
  • Volunteer Experience. Discuss volunteer experiences that demonstrate your compassion to help people in need.

Lawyer-to-Lawyer Forum - Collaborate with other lawyers.


You’re not alone. Join LexLawLawyers’s online legal community where members can ask and answer questions, receive referrals, and network/connect with other members. Collaboration is the key to success for lawyers starting a practice. Avoid re-inventing the wheel on issues. Learn from a network of peers who have already gone through the experience. Talk about marketing strategies, firm mechanics, substantive legal issues, and more. A discussion board is a perfect place to ask questions to fellow attorneys. Work together while practicing independently. Save money and learn from each other.

  • Collaboration. Collaborate with other lawyers and brainstorm ideas, find solutions, and connect with peers across the nation.
  • Discussion Board Forum. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Pose a question and wait for suggestions to come flowing in. But it’s a two-way street. Provide suggestions as much as you ask questions.
  • Private Discussions. The discussion forum is for the use of LexLawLawyers members only.  Only members can pose questions and only members can suggest answers.  All questions and answers are located behind a paywall.
  • Novel Issue of Law. Sometimes a novel legal issue arises that stumps the average lawyer. Reach out to the discussion forum and inquire whether other members have had the same issue.  Learn how other members resolved the novel issue.  Save time on legal research and increase profitability.
  • Client Development. Share marketing ideas with fellow members across the nation. Did you get a great result from a particular marketing campaign? If so, share your success with fellow members. Looking for a new marketing campaign? Learn from other members what worked for them and consider adopting the same marketing campaign to your practice.

Client Generation - How to Attract Clients Who Pay Legal Fees.


Generating clients in essential for survival. LexLawLawyers will teach you how to market to prospective clients so you can earn the profits you desire. Most law schools don’t teach students how to market so LexLawLawyers provides multiple courses on marketing to clients. Specific marketing examples are provided. Expect to take marketing webinars to be offered by LexLawLawyers in the future.

  • Legal Marketing. Become a rainmaker with the help of LexLawLawyers. Generate more clients than you can handle with the legal marketing techniques presented in the 15+ online legal marketing courses. Collaborate with other LexLawLawyers members to discuss what marketing practices work and what to avoid.
  • Market Research. Learn how to conduct market research to determine the best audience to target and how to make your marketing message stand out to your targeted audience.
  • Referral Marketing. Learn techniques to super-charge your referral marketing strategy that utilizes recommendations and word-of-mouth to expand your client base.
  • Direct Marketing. Direct marketing has power potential when your target audience has been identified during the market research phase. Marketing sent via the US Postal Service offers you the ability to target a niche audience and to provide that audience with detailed information about you and the legal services you provide.
  • Email Marketing. Save marketing dollars and postage by sending emails to referral sources and prospective clients.  Email is free and pack a powerful punch.
  •  Social Media Marketing. Generate clients by marketing your firm’s services through personalized public interaction. Social media marketing drives traffic to your personalized webpage while boosting overall firm awareness and customer loyalty. You achieve this by using a variety of methods on various social media platforms, from LinkedIn to Twitter to Facebook to Snapchat and everything in between.
  • Marketing Courses. Take separate courses on LinkedIn Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google Ads Marketing, and Facebook Marketing. All available with a LexLawLawyers membership.
  • Sample Forms. LexLawLawyers offers specific sample marketing pieces for you to copy and use in your own marketing campaign. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Take our marketing samples and run to the bank!

Blogging Opportunities - Build a Client Base and Generate Referrals.


Professional blogging is not for fun and games. Professional blogging at its core is marketing your personal brand. Only professional content should be posted. Leave personal commenting to your personal social media accounts. Professional blogging is serious business. Prospective clients Google problems that they have in search of solutions. Generate blog posts that provide those solutions and generate clients. LexLawLawyers provides you the forum with a link to your personalized webpage with your personalized contact form.

  • Blogging Opportunities. You are welcome to blog frequently, if not daily. You can submit your blog postings directly from the online blog submission form on Main menu > Lawyers Only > Blog Submission Form.
  • Client Generation. Blogging is an effective method of reaching prospective clients. May prospects conduct a google search to solve their legal problems. Write blogs about the solutions with a link to your exclusive directory page or alternative website in the bio section of the blog.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Blogging helps drive traffic to your exclusive directory page or website. The more you blog the more Google’s search engine “crawlers” will find your blog posts and add them to the Google search results – making it easier for prospective clients to find you.
  • Branding. Blogging is an effective way to develop your brand while giving your brand a voice. Why are you special? Are you a go to person on a certain topic? Blogging can help you establish yourself as an industry thought leader. Or position yourself as an expert in the field.  Don’t forget to disclose the legal certificates earned from National Bankruptcy Academy or National Offer in Compromise Academy.

Client Sales - Close the Deal & Profit.


Your marketing campaign worked and prospective clients are calling you. Now what? LexLawLawyers teaches you the skills to become a rainmaker who converts “leads” into “revenue.” Learn how to close the deal and convince prospects that you are the ideal lawyer to solve their legal problems.

  • Become a Rainmaker. Rainmakers understand that generating clients is the most important factor for achieving success. Great legal skill without clients results in failure. Clients pay the rent, keep the electricity on, provide salaries, power computers, and fund marketing.
  • Rainmaking v. Marketing. Successful marketing strategies prompt prospective clients to contact you. But contact is only half way home – and is not the same as generating revenue. Rainmakers close the deal and convert prospects into paying clients.
  • Sell the Sizzle Not the Steak. Learn the techniques rainmakers use to focus your initial consultation on the legal solutions you can provide.  Solutions are the “Sizzle” that must be front and center during the consultation with prospects. The “Steak” is the explanation of how you will achieve the solutions. Leave the “Steak” out of the conversation. This is hard for newly-minted lawyers because they have just spent three years of their lives focusing only on the “Steak.”
  • Prospect’s Mindset. LexLawLawyers will help you understanding the prospect’s mindset, which is critical for selling legal services effectively. The more a rainmaker understand the prospect’s apprehensions, needs, and desires, the easier it is to consummate the engagement.
  • Designing Your Sales Process. Learn how to design your sales process from start to finish. Leave nothing to chance. Study how rainmakers dynamically designed their selling processes.  Understand the six steps to success: need analysis, question probing, need awareness, need solution, trial closing, and need satisfaction.

Law Firm Formation & Mechanics - Fundamentals of Starting a Firm.


Lawyering is a business. Like any other business, you have to select the appropriate legal structure. LexLawLawyers helps you make that decision by educating you on the pros and cons of each type of structure. Tax considerations are also discussed. Banking requirements must be followed, virtual leasing arrangements made, and technology needs solved.

  • Legal Structure. Before you begin practicing you must select the appropriate legal structure: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and professional corporation. Study the courses to learn the advantages, disadvantages, liability issues, and other factors.
  • Tax Considerations. LexLawLawyers provides course material that helps you understand the tax consequences of each legal structure.
  • Banking Requirements. Take the course on banking requirements and learn the difference between a bank “operating” account and a bank “client trust fund” account.
  • Leasing. Virtual attorneys don’t need a physical office anymore, except for meeting with clients. Study the course that explains how to utilize a “virtual office” provider to use a professional-looking office for client meetings only.  Save money and project professionalism.
  • Technology. Newly-minted lawyers are far more technologically savvy than more-seasoned lawyers. Nonetheless, LexLawLawyers offers a technology course that discusses the following: computer needs (laptop, desktop, iPad, etc.); software needs (Microsoft Office software, remote software, backup software, etc.); peripheral devise needs (printer, scanner, external backup, etc.).

Join the List of Successful Bankruptcy and Tax Controversy Attorneys

Start a law firm. Expand your opportunities to include Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases and IRS Offer in Compromise clients. Gain financial security.

Feel appreciated by clients who are truly thankful you saved them from crushing debt. Give clients a financial fresh start in life — debt-free from IRS taxes, credit cards, medical bills, vehicle repossessions, and foreclosure. Instead of working with clients who grudgingly pays their invoices, start helping clients who pay in advance and thank you from the bottom of their heart.

Start a Law Firm - Powered by LexLawLawyers

Choose Option 2 and Make the Commitment to Career Success!

$149/ month
Access to 90 Courses & Exams:
✔ 25 Bankruptcy Courses
✔ 78 Instructional Bankruptcy Videos
✔ 250-Question Bankruptcy Scholar Certificate Exam
✔ 25 Instructional Tax Videos
✔ 3 IRS Overview Courses
✔ 32 Offer in Compromise Courses
✔ 13 Installment Agreement Courses
✔ 11 Innocent Spouse Tax Relief Courses
✔ 2 Power of Attorney/Authorization Courses
✔ 650-Question Offer in Compromise Scholar Certificate Exam
$tba/ by agreement
Everything you get with OPTION 2, plus:
Access to an additional 10 courses:
✔ 10 Bankruptcy Courses
✔ 32 Bankruptcy Videos
✔ 5 Complete Bankruptcy Case Studies
Collaboration with Fellow Firm Members:
✔ Q&A with a Bankruptcy Master
✔ Lawyer-to-Lawyer Q&A Forum
Bankruptcy Training:
✔ 6-Volume ``Bankruptcy Masterclass Practice System & Toolkit``
✔ Webinar Training on Substantive & Procedural Bankruptcy Issues
Marketing Materials:
✔ Client Development Instructions
✔ Social Media Advertising Videos
✔ Webinar Training on Client Development
✔ Marketing Samples
Software Access:
✔ Client Communication Software
Bankruptcy Certificates:
✔ 250-Question ``NBA Bankruptcy Scholar`` Certificate Exam
✔ 300-Question ``SBM Bankruptcy Scholar`` Certificate Exam