Course Category: Marketing

Showing 1-3 of 3 results

CA 110: Law Firm Marketing Tips

Law Firm Marketing Tips. Successful marketing is critical to starting a successful law firm.  Marketing is a dirty word seldom used in law school.  However, lawyers are constantly marketing and have done so in one fashion or another. Marketing takes many forms, some recognized as such and some forms that are not…

CA 111: Bar Association Benefits

Bar Association Benefits. Make the various national, state, county, and city bar associations a friend.  Treat them with respect and they will serve a lawyer well.  Embrace them, cultivate them, and reap the rewards.  The purpose of this lesson is to expose lawyers to the benefits of joining and getting…

CA 112: Facebook and Other Social Media

Facebook and Other Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Instagram, Pintrest, Reddit, Yelp… the list goes on and on.  By now, a lawyer probably already has some sort of personal presence on one – or more than likely several – of the social media platforms that are quickly dominating our worlds, stealing our…